Service Rates
Type of transaction | Currencie | Personal | Business |
Account opening | - | 0 EUR | 0 EUR |
Monthly service | - | 0 EUR | 0 EUR |
Accept payments | BTC/ETH | - | 0.1% |
Internal transfers | BTC/ETH | 0.00% | 0.00% |
Cryptocurrency exchange | BTC/ETH | 0.5% | 0.5% |
Exchange cryptocurrency to fiat | BTC/ETH/EUR | 1.5% | 1.5% |
Payment for third-party services | BTC/ETH | 0.7% | 0.7% |
Bitcoin Daemon | EUR | - | 15.00 / month |
Ethereum Daemon | EUR | - | 15.00 / month |
Add Funds | Currencie | Personal | Business |
Bitcoin | BTC | 0.00% | 0.00% |
Ethereum | ETH | 0.00% | 0.00% |
Withdrawals | Currencie | Personal | Business |
Bitcoin | BTC | 0.00% | 0.00% |
Ethereum | ETH | 0.00% | 0.00% |